Cheyenne Pagan Marking Period 2
For my second quarter art project I did what I did naturally, draw. I love to sketch and especially sketch anime characters. Lately I've been really nerdy watching all my old cartoons from when I was younger and it gave me the inspiration to try drawing like the professionals. These pictures aren't very creative but I chose to do this type of assignment to test my skills as an artist. The pictures show something about myself as well. Each one is my favorite character from a specific show. The progress of my artwork is each individual picture. I found that it would simpler, instead of taking picture line by line, to take each picture and make a collage.
These pictures were added late I worked on this piece until the day it was due and it really isn't meant to be my graded project but more so a piece I was still greatly proud of. This picture, like the others, is based off of an anime show. I decided to replicate this girl , Kanna, because of her pure nature. In the show she is in fact an incarnation of the villain but her nature is to have no opinion and to stay mostly neutral. She listens, watches, and does what she is told to do. The simplicity of her actual style is another characteristic that pulled me in. I love this piece because this is the first time I have worked with paints and accomplished my goal and the artwork came out the way I had originally imagined.
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