Child Trafficking occurs right in US.

Hello, my name is Milahn and I go to SLA, Science Leadership Academy. I had to research a topic that was very interesting to me. This project is called You and the World. I chose child trafficking which is a dangerous topic. Child trafficking is something that is on going and growing. This isn’t a topic that is dressed very often but it should be. 

Ever wonder where else child trafficking occurs besides foreign countries? If yes, I have the answer. Child trafficking occurs right here in the United States. California, New York, Texas, Nevada, and Ohio are hot spots. Child prostitution is growing at this very second. Within forty-eight hours of a runaway or homeless girl is approached by a pimp. These girls are between the ages of twelve and fourteen. 

When brought into the life of prostitution the girls are trafficked in and out of the US. From city to city, and country to country. There is a triangle between Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Sacramento. Because of the diversity, its easier to move the children from place to place. This makes it difficult for law enforcement to locate victims that could be alive. 

The main question is why they go with the pimps. The number one reason is because they want a father figure in their life. Another reason is they aren’t happy in their homes. They feel as though pimps love them more than their own families. They can take care of them and give them whatever they want. 

human trafficking
human trafficking
You may be wondering why most girls stay in the life of prostitution. The number one reason is because they are scared of their pimps. Harmful words and threats are made about the girls family. Along the lines of death. Another reason is judging. Some girls believe if they go back to their families they will be judged/ disowned by family members. 

I will be working with a new ministry at my church to help stop child trafficking. Working with this ministry will help me get a better understanding about the topic and more information to help. Even though this a dangerous topic I still want to help because the starting age to child prostitution is close to my age. Child Trafficking ISN’T right


