City Life.

For second quarter, we focused on what we wanted to do. I wanted to paint which I did, but I just stopped. I didn't know what to draw. I had one point of focus but it didn't come clear to me anymore. So I decided to make a purse out of a shirt. I had a plain t-shirt lying around and I don't use it anymore so I decided to make something out of it because I didn't wanna throw it away. I started to think about I like. And I came up with cities. I'm a city girl. One of my favorite city is New York. So I cut out a part of a t-shirt and sewed it onto the purse. I also sewed some other things that I liked. As you can see, I created a peace sign hand, city life, and love. Overall, this project wasn't hard. It took a lot of time and cause a lot of pain.
