Collapsibility: Malaysia v. The Gambia
The two countries I've researched are The Gambia, in Africa and Malaysia, in Southeast Asia. Both countries are going through their own specific problems but both are facing some trouble environmentally. I was assigned the country (The Gambia) when my teach had us working on researching elections in other countries. I was assigned Malaysia when my classmates and I were researching global goods, local costs in other countries. For the benchmark we were given the task of comparing the two countries we had and rating their sustainability and collapsibility. To see how collapsible the countries were we applied the "5 point framework" Jared Diamond discussed in his book. The 5 point framework is fairly simple. It consists of the countries Environmental Damage, Climate Change, Friendly Trade Partners, Hostile Neighbors, and its Society's Response. We then rated the countries on their collapsibility. 10 means they were in good standing and sustaining and 0 means they are in serious trouble. If I could change one thing about my project it would be the time I submitted it and the countries I'd chosen. Since I was assigned these wo countries it would have been exciting to look into two countries from the same regions that I didn't know as much about.
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