Could the economy have hope?
Sorry folks but this will but this will be the last one. There will be know more about the economy trying to take your money or anything else so enjoy this last one and I hope you’ll like it!
Today on the economy it seems that president Obama says that that the economy is going up. Now some of you might be thinking is the true here is what he says "in the fall of 2008, one of the last rallies of my presidential campaign was here in the Cleveland area. It was a hopeful time, just two days before the election. We knew that if we pulled it off, we'd have the chance to tackle some big and difficult challenges that had been facing this country for a long time. But then he also says We also hoped for a chance to get beyond some of the old political divides - between Democrats and Republicans, Red states and Blue states - that had prevented us from making progress. Because although we are proud to be Democrats, we are prouder to be Americans - and we believed that no single party has a monopoly on wisdom"
Now when I think about what he says I think maybe getting beyond some of the old political divides -between Democrats and Republicans, Red states and Blue states - that had prevented us from making progress could have helped our economy make some more progress. But if you think it only a though.
Well that’s all the info I have I hoped you enjoyed my blogs and information bye!
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