Micah Getz
I’m all alone again, with only a deadline here with me.
Nobody stayed to build the set. Sure they’re all young, and don’t understand
it, but our jobs are on the line. If this stage isn’t built the boss will get
pissed off and we’ll all get fired.
would kind of be okay, since the director is such a dick, but the job markets
down man! With CGI around, even master movie set designers like me have a few
issues finding a job. More than a few issues or I wouldn’t have such a dick of
director right now. I mean, this deadline is impossible to meet.
only people who don’t care are the tech people. They’re always on a constant
ego trip though, so they don’t count.
know what man? I quit, I quit, I’m done!
was better back in the day, before all of this technology. People were honest
then, with the master worker leading me and my bros, and we actually wanted to
make the movie, we weren’t working there in the middle of college, just to get
the spending money our parents wouldn’t give us. No! Because back then they
worked for the sake of the work, for the vision, for the movie. Not like these kids,
always following “The System”. Also coffee isn’t as good anymore. Back in the
olden days, I could stay up for three nights, with just coffee, and be
completely fine! It was far out! Now, 10 o’clock, BAM! Asleep! Done! And 5 in
the morning I’m up no matter what. Sleeping sucks man!
then I’m tired, and I’m in charge, and I’m supposed to be telling all of these
kids what to do, and I realize I’m not getting paid enough for this you know?
This job is my life, except the movies I’m working on is a drag, and the
deadlines are tight, so you know what that means? My life sucks right now!
don’t have time to date, I barely get enough money to get by, and once this
movie is over, I don’t know where I’m going to go!
I shouldn’t quit then.
could change jobs! I could be an artist! I could spend all of my money for a
time in Paris; to admire art and get inspired, so that when I get back here I
can paint! All of my work will be my own, my dream, my credit, no one else to
screw it up, it would be a blast! I could experiment with different styles, change
things up, as no monotonous stage job ever could, I could let everyone around
me see my true worth! As an artist, I could paint nudes, and pick up chicks,
and work from home, and have medical pot, and get blitzed, and be called eccentric!
I could be out on the street in weeks, or caught by the fuzz, with no one there
to help me, after all most artists wash out of the scene and die within month’s
of becoming an artist.
could do the opposite! I could get a degree at a college, get a good job, move
out to the suburbs and buy a house. American dream, right? Moving out to the
suburbs and living in isolation for eternity?
that would be a bummer man. And where would I get the money for a degree? I’m
not made of cash. Going back to school would be stupid anyway. I wouldn’t be in
this situation if I had been good at school.
it’s too late to change at all, why even try? I could definitely do well right
where I am. Sure life sucks, but it could always be worse right? As long as I’m
good enough, my job security doesn’t matter. And even if I don’t get a job,
well, that would be the perfect time to change my lifestyle. I could live off
of the government any way. I mean, everyone hears stories about it, it’s gotta
be true.
guess I’m not going to quit. (Thinking) This is a lot of work to get done…(Pointedly
looks around) No one else is here, so no one will care if I book it right?
Right. Problems can always wait until tomorrow
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