Cut the pride, and get your friend back.

Victoria Yarbrough

September 14, 2011

English Essay


     “You should have told me before hand, I’m your friend, I wouldn’t do you like that.”


“I didn’t think you cared, and it just came up,” I said nonchalantly. I knew I was being silly but I shouldn’t have to tell him everything that’s going in my life. This argument was so stereotypical, He’s mad because I want to go to another friend’s birthday party instead of coming to his house and doing nothing. Sounds like a teen movie doesn’t it? It’s not like he wasn’t invited. Why do I have to be anti-social just because he is?


“If you’re my friend you’ll let me go, I’m not going to the moon and it’s not like you’re not invited.”


“ I don’t care how you try to put it, you’re wrong. Dead wrong, you said you were coming to my house and now you turn around and ditch me? Not cool Torre.” He’s screaming now and me, well I’m just rolling my eyes.


“Mike, we hang out all the time and for you to try and keep me captive isn’t cool. Now move aside.”


He was pissed but before he could say anything I bolted for the exit and began mentally preparing for the party. Which sucked. I felt a little dumb. But Mike didn’t need to know that, I figured that I’d just talk to him at lunch and all would be normal. Mike and I have been friends since 2nd grade, and if he gets upset over something like this, then he’s crazy.


     Well apparently he’s crazy. He walked right past me the morning after the argument. I went to the restroom and looked in the mirror.


“Well that’s strange because I don’t look invisible.” I said with a questioning tone.


I head to the first class of day, science; I hated that class. The smell of bleach and dead frogs in jars was not how I liked to start my mornings. But at least I sat next to Mike; I could ask him why he ignored me. So I get there and I’m literally 45 seconds late, thanks to a previous bathroom trip.  My science teacher Mr. Ashworth starts freaking out and hands me one of those stupid hot pink tardy slips. I spot Mike and sit next to him and stare at him with the widest of eyes. It takes about 3 minutes before he turns around gives me the evilest of looks. And then out of nowhere he gets up and moves to the other side of the room. Ok, now I’m confused, I start sniffing my armpits. Do I offend? No, it isn’t that. And then I think about the day before, and I’m like “Ooohhh,” He’s still mad about that? Without thinking I blurt,


“Really, you’re still on that? Grow up and come off it.”


He just gives me that look again and I of course get in trouble for “calling out”. What am I seven? I guess this means Mike is truly mad and wants to play “cold shoulder”, but two can play that game. He’ll crack before I do.


    2 weeks passed, and Mike and I were still not speaking. I was beginning to question our friendship from the start. It’s sad because I was getting used to us not talking. I didn’t want it to be that way anymore, but I couldn’t find in me to apologize. I rarely apologize for anything. I had other friends but Mike was my “Homie”, I started to miss him. I waited for him at his locker the next day; I was ready to talk it out. And this time instead of avoiding me, he began walking toward me. I was anxious, and then I did something really stupid, I ran away. I don’t know why I did it. I didn’t even have anything to say, but I went to his locker. Maybe I was being stupid. And then the realization hit me like a brick to the face. I should have never ditched Mike, no matter how unimportant our plans were. However, I also realized that Mike was indeed being a little silly. All of this came to me on a Friday night, and I resolved to go to Mike’s house the next day and talk things over. And this time I wouldn’t run away.


     Saturday afternoon, I rode my bike to Mike’s house. I get there and knock on his door. Someone is always home at Mike’s house so this was odd that there was no answer. Surely not all of family was avoiding me. I’m still knocking when his neighbor peeps out of his door and says


“Who are you looking for?”


I say, “I’m looking for Michael Bernson.”


“I’m sorry but the Bernsons moved out yesterday.”


“Excuse me?”


“Yeah, they moved out yesterday” He says with a nonchalant tone. And then goes back inside his house. I, on the other hand am trying to process what I’ve been told. They moved out? What does he mean they moved out?  And then came the water works. I rode my bike all they way over there to get my friend back, and he left. Not like a 3-day vacation left, he’s gone. And it hurt.  We’ve been friends for almost 7 years or have we? It was a horrible feeling, and I did cry, but I sucked it up and took it as a lesson: Putting your pride aside may be hard, but what if it’s for your best friend? Take it from me, you should always end thing on good note with the people you care about.
