Declaration of Sentiments Analysis and Reflection

Gender studies Declaration of Sentiments Analysis and Reflection Naima DeBrest 10-5-16 Iron

I feel like the Seneca Falls Convention of July 1848 was a very necessary and powerful even in history. I believe that this took a lot of courage for this conference to be assembled and the topics were very personal and strict. This convention was going against centuries of oppression and unfair treatment that had been deeply rooted in everyday life. The women who organized this were very brave with their demands and tried to make it equal as equal as possible. Though some of these issues may seem outdated women are still forced to face some of them today.

For example resolution 1 Resolved, That such laws as conflict … with the true and substantial happiness of woman, are contrary to the great precept of nature and of no validity … Some women are not happy with the situation that has been forced upon them and they can’t change it. Women have been forced into a category of things that they are supposed to do like cook and clean even if it might go against what she wants to do to be happy. Women have also been pushed into a sexuality box.Where they are supposed to be married to a man and certain states would not allow them to live happily with the person that they loved.

Resolved, That woman is man’s equal—was intended to be so by the Creator, and the highest good of the race demands that she should be recognized as such. This is another issue that hits very close to home for women in the 21st century. All anybody ever wants is to be treated equal. Women and minorities especially because they have been majorly oppressed for centuries. This issue relates to today though because of the equal pay law. It has already been established that women can do cany job that a man can do and work as hard as a man can. So it seem barbaric that in 2016 women still have to fight for an equal wage to a man even when she does the exact same job.
