Descriptive Essay: Football Is My Future

“RUNNNNN” that's all I remember coach yelling as I had the ball in my hand. I was nervous at first because it was my first game and all I could do was stand there in shock, but when coach yelled run that’s exactly what I started doing. As I ran I seen a guy coming towards me and in his eyes all I seen was anger as if he wanted to hit me but really hurt me. As he came to me I was thinking about how to get around him and I thought to use a stiff arm so when he got close enough I stuck my arm out and made his head cock back as if he was going to pop a juice. When he hit the ground I started running faster until I seen two other guys and one was high the other low. I thought that they were going to try to chop me down like a tree by hitting me in my mid section and in my legs but instead a blocker from my team hit one of the guys and knocked him to the ground, he was flattened like a pancake. The other guy was going for my legs so I jumped over him as if he were a hurdle in a race, Then as I continued running I seen nothing but the end-zone then I heard my coach yelling RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN and I looked to my side seen nothing then I looked behind me and I seen a guy he looked at me as if he was a cheetah and I was a gazelle. Then I started running for my life and I was running as fast as I could because I needed to score, if I didn’t score I felt as though it could have came back and hurt the team later on in the game and I wanted to have something to be proud of and I wanted to make my family proud. When I got to the ten yard line I was starting to feel gassed so I gave the rest of my energy into the touchdown and when I was 5 yards away I dove 4 the end-zone scored and then I got up and celebrated. But then my team joined in so we got flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct but we all were really hype and coach didn’t care because we won that game and we were kids so we were just having a little fun.  
After the game I was walking around wondering where I could get some food but then one of my friends asked if I wanted to play a quick game of football with him and some of my other friends, so I started playing but then we smelt this horrible odor like a trash truck had just went by us or was just dumping trash in front if us then we realized that one of us had fallen in dog poop. Then we found out that it was my friend and we all started laughing except him, he started crying and we started laughing even more and harder. He didn’t think it was funny because it was embarrassing to him and he really smelled bad like as if he hadn’t showered in his whole life it was the worst. I almost threw up for the smell so ten I went home and looked for some food in the fridge and then my mom said she would cook some chicken and I was happy because I love chicken and I was very happy. After I ate I took a shower and washed all the dirt off of me from the football game and the tub was filthy when I got out it look as if there was the food that pigs are fed at a farm in the tub so then I cleaned it so I wouldn't get in trouble. Then when I got out of the shower I was tired so I went in my room and just fell out on the bed like a lion would if a tranquilizer dart shot it.
In this picture there is a kid and he has a very determined look on his face, he’s on one knee one hand on his knee his other hand tightly grasping a football. His face looks as if he cant wait to get the field and show everybody what he’s got, surrounding him is some dark green grass but some patches as if it was on a baseball field, as of right now his jersey is clean and white as a cloud in the sky and underneath his jersey there is a somewhat tight red shirt to keep him warm so it may be cold outside. Behind him to his right is a tall light pole which is next to a equipment crate and a huge fence like in prison except its without the bared wire, his pants are clean and red as blood when a cut occurs. The helmet in front of him sit there white as a new t-shirt next to his red and white cleats as he awaits to begin to run, his fingers aren’t straight there a little curled as if he seems nervous, he is surround back trees behind him green as spinach the trees stand tall and vary in sizes and color some huge some small some just in the middle some the color of money some the color of spinach and some the color of a lime. The part of the field where he sits on one knee looks as if it was just used for a baseball game and it looks like its has very little grass but the dirtish sand looks like the same color as toast. If you can see closely enough you would realize that at the top of the fence is like a blue strip of paint as if some body was going to start painting the fence. The football is brown as natural sugar with some writing on it like of signatures and who the football is made by while his fingers are in the shape of a sorta L at the tip of the football his thumb rest close to the white laces of the football.
Have you ever been passionate about something that nothing else really matters? Well I have and I’m passionate about football. I loved football ever since I can remember I wanted to be a football player since I was little and my favorite player of all time is Jerry rice because he was the greatest NFL wide receiver in history, but I think he was the greatest NFL player of all time. When I grow up I want to play wide receiver and break all of Jerry rice’s records so then I can go down in history as the greatest NFL player of all time and will always be remembered and I think it would make my family proud because it would show that I'm a dream-chaser because when I was little I wanted to be like my dad until I got older and really understood that I didn’t want to be like him because I don’t want to be like anybody or the next anybody I want to be better then everybody and have other people be called the next me. When I grow up I’m always going to remember to take care of my family and never forget who I am no matter how I am on the field I will always be the same MARTEZ CARD.  As of right now I don’t play football but I study the stats to have a high football IQ and so that when I get into the NFL I know all about the game of football and all of the rules, so I will be able to know if I did something wrong or not. Also I study stats because I like to just know what records I will be able to break and what I will have to do to break these records because I want to be remembered as the greatest NFL player of all time and because I love the game of football and I am dedicated to the game of football, my love, my passion.
