Descriptive Essay Average Joe
It was a long day at school and I was exhausted. I just went straight up to my room to lay down. It was Friday finally. “Time to chill and do nothing,” I thought. I decide to open my new game “Chrono Trigger” and try it out. It was a good old fashioned action-sci-fi game that was about a group of people who time travel. A poster of the game fell out. I wondered why there was this weird looking walrus on the poster. “No monster could be as sinister as a walrus ” I said to my self sarcastically. Then I heard this weird noise off in the distance as if someone was struggling. Then I heard it again. I went to the top of the stairs to see what was happening. There was someone trying to mess up the front of the house. I called out to my mom and she came down with me. I grabbed my staff and tried to chase the person away. As soon as my Mom and I emerged from my front door the person started to run away. I ran and jump off the top steps like a crazy mad man while screaming. Waving the wooden staff, a face grinning on the top of it. The panting mouth shows off the ivory teeth. He starts to run faster as if I was a psycho killer. My mom starts to laugh at me and we go back inside. Luckily, I heard the person. We called the cops and they said that they did get calls that someone was going around messing with people’s houses. I am sure a lot of people have had their houses broken into or vandalized. We were just lucky that we were home.
I just sat on the back steps idly trying to find something to do. I stared blankly on the back porch. The burgundy porch shined against the blaze of the hot sun. The big tree in the yard only provided only so much shade from the suns intense rays. I glance to my cousin hopelessly and asked him if he knew anything we could do. He shook his head and continued to stare at the damp lonely ground. I started to walk around trying to think of something. “Come here, Steph” I said. Some bamboo fell into our yard from the neighbors’ yard. I started to look at it intently. “This would be good to whack something with.” Steph said. We both looked at each other. We were at a standstill like like two warriors waiting for each other to make the first move. Then like pure instinct I extended my arm out to block the high attack from my opponent. I can feel the vibration travel down the bamboo as if I just hit a home run. Now it’s my turn. I backed up then swung from the left. To my surprise, my attack was dodged. I darted behind the tree. The two seconds of rest turn back into the battle. The clacking could be herd a block a way. You would think that we were real warriors. Again and again we attack each other with great force. We are both tired but we still go on. I dive to doge an attack then quickly get back up to strike again. Luckily my opponent stumbled and fell. I charged towards him and strike down with all my might. My opponents weapon broke and he was rendered helpless. With a heavy breath and sweat on my face I stand over my opponent triumphantly. I have emerged triumphant, I have won. Then without warning we both start to laugh. I extend my arm to greet his. I help him back up. We walk back inside. It was a good match and I am the champion for now. Man boys will sure be boys. Just like any old kid. As willed as ever.
Now that I think back on this it isn’t much that is unusual about this. At first I couldn’t see it. It was so hard to think of a way to tie all my story together. No mater what it did not fit. Any memory or any way I tried to put the pieces together. It was like a jigsaw puzzle you couldn't figure out. Just then in a split second I realized what the problem was. I was talking with one of my friends and I was saying how life was boring for me. Just the same old stuff happening every dull day. I got the idea from that. My life is just regular, an average Joe. Plenty of people had some one mess with there house. When I was young every one was running around causing chaos. Most of the things that happen in my life just is not any different than anyone else. I’m one of the few people that dosent have any extra in there life. So the main point in all of this is that I am a regular guy, nothing more nothing less.
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