Descriptive Piece

Friday the 13th that date changed my day for the worse. I was on m way to work, ready to get my check and go do some shopping before going to North Carolina for the rest of the summer. I would always take the same bus route to get to work, the 47 bus and then the 56 bus. Every time the bus would get ready to go onto Broad I could swear I felt the bus go on two wheels because it was turning too fast. Well on the 13th I knew I had a reason to be scared of that bus ride.

            As the bus was taking the turn onto 10th street going past the trolley tracks it just sped down the hill and then everything went into slow motion. It felt like a movie the way everything went slow motion. As a car came in front of the bus the bus hit it at full speed. Everyone on the bus flew forward. A little baby in a stroller fell to the side and someone fell on top of him. Two little girls fell and hit the front of the bus. I flew and fell on top of three people. We got up quickly and tried to help all the kids get up. The mother was screaming at the top of her lungs. “ Get off my baby! Help my baby get up!” everything happened in slow motion but so fast at the same time. When the paramedics arrived he asked who wanted to go to the hospital. I didn’t know what to do so I started walking. I just walked the rest of the way to work. Those five blocks felt endless; it felt like the longest walk of my life

            As I walked the car accident kept replaying in my head. It was the only thing I could think about and how much worst it could have been. The way everyone flew forward replayed continuously in my mind.  Another thing that I couldn’t get out off my mind was the way the trolley tracks looked before the car had hit us. It felt like a big rollercoaster ride gone wrong.

            The accident made an impact on every kind of transportation I take. The next day I was on my way to North Carolina and I had to take a plane. I never been scared or nervous of flying before but this time I was a lot more worried.  From the minute I stepped onto the plane I felt as though something bad was going to happen. Nothing felt safe to me any more. My legs were shaking and I was breathing hard.  I was trying to stay calm and even try to sing to myself but that didn’t work. There was about thirty minutes left in the flight and something went wrong.  Out of nowhere the plane had a sudden drop. It dropped so fast I felt my heart go straight to my butt. And then it felt like it was lifted straight up.  It scared me senseless and made me scared to get on the next plane. Even though those past two days were a scary experience it made up for it when I was able to see my dad and have a good time.

Having those two experiences made me a little more jumpy when I’m on public transportation. When a bus turns or is speeding down a street I get a little nervous. I know that I shouldn’t worry as much but now it’s just in me to be a little worried. Also when a bus is crowded or when it isn’t evened out on both sides I get a little jumpy. It’s hard to get on a bus and trust that I’ll be okay. What also makes it hard is when the bus driver is driving fast and makes a sharp turn because that’s how the accident started. It may be a weird thing but those two experiences made want to be more cautious when I’m traveling alone. 
