Diary of a Wimpy King: Not-So-Royal
My partner, Kavina Davis, and I created a parody of Macbeth from a high school perspective. A dramatic and witch-filled high school but a high school nonetheless. With Macbeth portrayed as a witty 17 year old boy and his girlfriend, Lady Macbeth portrayed as an evil and manipulative 17 year old girl the classic Shakespearean story takes a remarkable twist with appearances from the three witches or the three lunch "ladies", Principal Duncan, and Mr. Macduff - the grouchy history teacher.
We chose to approach the project from this perspective as we believed that it would be an interesting way to retell the play and to put a more modern and comedic spin on the entire thing. It was enjoyable to build off of one another's ideas and have fun matching up the centuries old characters with high school stereotypes. Not to mention actually drawing the characters was also enjoyable as we were taking an incredibly complex play and combining it with a children's book we both read when we were younger. While one would assume the two books are complete opposites, the archetypes matched up incredibly demonstrating that, despite how many years pass, some literature will always remain relatable to whoever is reading it.
We first came up with the idea of a journal from Macbeth's perspective, then, reminded of a line from the play, we decided that "dwarfish thief" and "wimpy kid" were somewhat interchangeable insults which is how we came up with the title "Diary of a Wimpy King: Not-So-Royal" for our short story. From there we used the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series and art style as a basis for our own short story with character such as Macbeth and Macduff - drawn acting out the story as described in the text. We knew from the beginning that we wanted to have some fun with the story seeing as we had spent 4 or so months scrupulously reading it. And I believe that we did.
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