Dias de la semana, By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton

Monday-lunes (lu-nes)

Tuesday- martes (mart-es)

Wednesday- miércoles (mier-coles)

Thursday- jueves(hue-ves)

Friday- viernes (vier-nes)

Saturday- sábado (sab-ado)

Sunday- domingo (dom-ingo)

In order to ask what day today is say ¿Qué día es hoy? (K- dia-es-oy)

In order to answer what is today is say hoy día es _________. (oy-dia-es)

The days of the week in Spanish are not capitalized.

Real life application:

Your friend walks up to you and asks you what day today is by saying "¿Qué día es hoy?" He answers "hoy día es jueves."
