Connection to my past
Artist Statement: After reading born a crime it helped me reflect on my own past. It had also helped me think about what I was going to write about. Before I was stuck trying to figure out what culture I would belong to. Before I felt like I didn't belong or have a culture. But then I reflected on Trevor Noah's Born a Crime book that we read. After reflecting on it I noticed that Trevor talked a lot about his home life his identity and who he was in his family. Since Trevor Noah is mixed, for him kids made fun of him because of his color when he was younger. So after reflecting on this book I reflected on how can I relate to the book. After some reflecting I decided to talk about me being adopted. I have white English parents. So I could also relate to Trevor because I get made fun of because of my family, my skin color, and well because i'm different from everyone else in my family. In my memoir I try and go into how I felt when I was younger, and for me I was always angry and frustrated because I tried to figure out who I was in this world. Who I was in my family. But I didn't know how to tell people how I was feeling. In my memoir I also talked a little about my struggles of being adopted and trying to connect with my family. But mainly I try to talk about how I felt so that the ones who read this can understand a little about how adopted kids can feel.
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