Discovering new research about The Dream Act

 Discovering new research about The Dream Act


        Like i said in my previous post i talked about how am doing a project about The Dream Act and I did a lot of research about it. Just to recap about what information i found on my first my blog post am list out some things I talked about, so the first thing i talked about was about when was The Dream Act was introduced and it was introduced in 2001 and its 2018 but the bill still didn't go through, but in 2010 the bill almost came law  but then it came five votes short so it couldn't  become law.  Another thing i talked about was the DACA, The DACA are permission papers that allow immigrants to legally remain in the United States for as long as their expiration date states. This changed a  number of young immigrants’ lives until Donald Trump made the decision to make the DACA into a 6 month grace period. Meaning that after 6 months you can no longer get a DACA.

  I did more research and i also found out that when Trump decided to end the DACA, he put an expiration date on the legal protections granted to roughly 800,000 people known as "DREAMers," who entered the country illegally as children, meaning 800,000 children getting punished for something they didn't do, and that's really unfair for the children. After Trump called the congress to act, Barack Obama called the decision "cruel" and "self-defeating” he also said "Whatever concerns or complaints Americans may have about immigration in general, we shouldn't threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own, who pose no threat, who are not taking away anything from the rest of us.", so he's just basically saying that he should not deport this children and maybe ruined their future, and also they aren't doing anything thats hurting us now or in the future.

On top of all of this new research i decided to go out and do my own research. I decided to do an interview, It was kind of hard to find someone to interview but in the end I found someone, and the person is my soccer coach his name is Sammy. When we did our interview i asked five questions. I decided to interview him because he's the one that told me about the dream act, and also he has family the are apart of the dream act. Let’s take a look at the questions and answers...  

Q-What do you know about The Dream Act?

A-”From what I know about it is a bill that would allow undocumented immigrant who were brought in at a young age with their parents a way to gain legal status in the United States”

Q-How do you feel about it?

A-”I feel that this bill is a great opportunity for both these children and the country itself. These immigrants who have spent the majority of their lives in America deserves a chance to be able to make a life here with a security that they would otherwise not have

access to. These kids are the future of this country and the need a chance to be able to make a better future for themselves and their family”

Q-Why do you think the Congress won't make The Dream Act a law?

A-”With how divided and split congress is with political parties I feel that there isn’t much a chance for The Dream Act to pass. I’ve been hearing about this bill for many years and it is still somehow close to passing. With the president we have in office right now I feel that we’re further away than ever to getting The Dream Act to pass.”

Q-How would you feel if you or your family were apart of the dream act?

A-”I do have some family members that are affected by The Dream Act. It really saddens me that there are so many children and young adults in this country that aren’t able to live their lives comfortably in this country through the actions of their parents. They didn't have much of a choice in coming to this country at such a young age yet they are being punished for it. I feel that this bill would be able to provide them with what they need in order to be productive members of our society.”

Q-What changes would you make for The Dream Act?

A-”The Dream Act does not do much for the parents of these young immigrants. If I would make any changes to this bill it would be to help the parents get a pathway to legal status in this country. These kids needs their parents together and I have seen firsthand the devastation when a parent is deported from the country and how it affects the kids.”

      One thing that really stood out to me when I did this interview with Coach Sammy is when he started talking about how parents should be involved in the dream act, and I totally agree with him because if the parents get deported and the kids are not, then that's just going to hurt the kids, because I’m sure that there isn't any kid in this world that wants to live with their parents far apart from them.

    After speaking to Coach Sammy I got a better understanding about what should be added to the dream act, and why the congress won't pass this bill.
