Distractions in “school” 2020

A school is a place where kids learn and get ready for their future. But for every good, there is a bad. Distractions. Teens and kids are easily distracted in school, friends, toys, phones, etc. Luckily teachers prevent those distractions by taking phones, moving seats, and hiding toys. The difference now is that we are home. There are 10000 more distractions than they were at school. The worst part is that we don't have anyone to stop those distractions. Most kids have school in their rooms so their phones, books, and TV’s distract them without stopping. Some other kids have a school near their siblings making them distracted by them, laughing, fighting, etc. I’m here to explain the distractions and how distracting they are, also why they are distracting because I too am being distracted in my home.

Distractions in “school” 2020
