E1U1 Proyecto Alyssa Eastwood , Amelia Benamara , Antonio DeRock

Basic Spanish Scene-
 Professora Amelia is teaching during class and a new student names Alyssa comes in, she introduces herself to the teacher and another student. Antonio. this is a very realistic scene because this somewhat happens in the being of out Espanyol class!!!!
Birthday Scene - 
 Amelia is miserably sitting next to her locker because no one remembered her birthday. Antonio comes by and wishes Amelia a happy birthday . This cheers her up tons!! This scene will introduce how to say birthday in Spanish , as well.
Weather Scene - 
Two friends Amelia and Alyssa, are walking home from school together. They talk about what the weather is like. Words such as "frio" and "lloviendo" will be used to describe the current weather.
Tu & Usted scene- 
Amelia and Alyssa are two students talking in the hallway in  informal Spanish. Professor Antonio walks by and both girls greet him formally. This shows the difference between informal and formal Spanish using tu or usted.

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