Easter Sunday
7:00 am- Woke up
9:00 am- Got to work
10:am- Bored
!2:00 pm Lunch Break
3:30pm- Got of work
4:00pm- Got home
4:45pm- Left for godmom's house
5:15pm- Arrived at her house
5:20pm- Filled my tummy with yummy food
5:50pm laid down
6:53-9:15pm- Family time
10:00pm- got home and talked to my boo
10:57pm- Still on the phone
9:00 am- Got to work
10:am- Bored
!2:00 pm Lunch Break
3:30pm- Got of work
4:00pm- Got home
4:45pm- Left for godmom's house
5:15pm- Arrived at her house
5:20pm- Filled my tummy with yummy food
5:50pm laid down
6:53-9:15pm- Family time
10:00pm- got home and talked to my boo
10:57pm- Still on the phone
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