Election Day (My First Time Voting!)


My First Time Voting

Today I had the privilege to vote for the first time. Although many people may not see the excitement in voting, it was a very exciting feeling for me. It made me feel great to know that my vote could change how the government was ran (even though it probably didn't) I decided to reflect on my first experience voting and answer these following questions: 

1: "What motivated you to come out and vote?" I decided to vote because I have been hearing a lot in the news about the democrats possibly losing the power in the senate if a lot of the democratic candidates lost in this election, and this is also the first election that I am allowed to vote in. 

2: "Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?" I encountered a lot of ads on youtube, when I clicked on a video a short ad would pop up talking about going out and voting, or voting for some guy (I forgot his name).

3: "What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election" I hope overall the Democrats can keep the majority of power in the house. 

4: "What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?" I don't really think MY vote will change the whole election, but I think that if everybody goes and votes this election will hopefully help put America back on track. (Patriotic Voice)

5: "What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?" A lot of the ones with Obama on them were pretty epic, they made me want to become president or something. 

6: "Are you always sure who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?" Well with me, my mom and I talked about a lot of the candidates before hand so when I walked into the voting place I was pretty sure who I was going to vote for. 

Overall I really enjoyed going and voting for the first time. Even though I am just one person I feel like my vote is a contribution to a group of people who are trying to help fix America.

