Election Day Interview

1. What motivated you to come out and vote today?
I know the shape that the economy was in over the 8 years under Bush and I want to make sure that it does not go back to that again so I went out to vote to make sure that there are enough democrats so that Obama can stick to his course because without the democrats he cant stick to his course
2. Where have you encountered the most ad campaigning? The Phone and the Tv
3. Are you always sure who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?
I am always sure because I always read and inquire there literature before I go into the poll so I know who I am voting for.
4. Do you vote in every election? I was registered when I was 18 and I have voted in every election, I haven’t missed one since I was 18.
5.  What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

Hopefully the new governor and the mayor will be on the same page so the city can benefit from better education (more money) streets and highway to be repaved because if they are the same page we can get more money. More jobs for people. Decrease in gun violence different laws to stop some of the violence.
