Election Day Interview.


1.     What motivated you to come out and vote?
He voted because he is a committee-person.

2.      What would you like to see changed in our political system?.

He really didn’t want to change anything, just to keep the democrats vote up.

3.     Do you vote in every election (How regularly do you vote?)
Votes every election.

4.     Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?

5.      Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? Radio, TV, Print, Internet, other.


6.     What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?
The Obama campaign.

7.     Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?

8.     What changed do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

He wants to help the Democratic Party to get back in.

9.     What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?.

Helps to keep the Democratic party in.

10.  Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?
