Election Day Interview Project

So I went to Solis S. Cohen Elementary school to interview some people. I got one person and interviewed him, during the last minute of the interview, my computer shut off due to having a defective battery. So, i wrote a script for exactly what we said the entire interview. If you would like to contact the person I interviewed to see if I was there, you can contact him at:

Michael Charles
Democratic Executive Committee
Zayd: Hi, my name is Zayd Alsardary from Science Leadership Academy and I am at the polling place right now interviewing...

Michael: Michael Charles.

Zayd: How are you doing Mr. Charles?

Michael: I am doing pretty well, pretty cold haha.

Zayd: I agree. So can I interview you and ask you a few questions for a school project?

Michael: Go right ahead.

Zayd: Thank you. First Question: Do you vote in every election?

Michael: I have voted in every election ever since I was the age of 18. Havent missed a single one.

Zayd: Haha thats fantastic. Next question is kind of a knowledge question: Do you know why we vote on Tuesdays?

Michael: Actually....No! Why do we vote on Tuesdays?

Zayd: Back then we were an agrarian society. Farmers needed a day to get to the county seat, a day to vote, and a day to get back, without interfering with the three days of worship. So that left Tuesday and Wednesday, but Wednesday was market day. So in the end it became Tuesday. (I had a notecard on the side to help me out :D)

Michael: Hmm, thats interesting.

Zayd: Yup. On to the next question: Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still dileberating?

Michael: I always know who I'm voting for. If that ever happened, I would probably take some time to think about it before wasting a vote that I'm not sure of haha.

Zayd: Haha thats good. Next question: What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

Michael: Personally, I don't believe that there will be any changes. If there are, thats great, if there aren't then I was right ahaa. But ya, I dont think there will be changes. Maybe wage...but that can be debatable.

Zayd: Ah okay. Final Question! Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?

Michael: Well that was a pretty long time ago, as you can see the gray beard hair hahahaa. But yes back then we did learn about something called civics, which is pretty much voting and things like that. It did a little but ever since I was around the age of 16 I was always into politics and debating and such. That brought me up to be the person I am today.

Zayd: Fascinating. Well thats all my questions, Thank you SO much for allowing me to interview you. And umm I think thats....(computer turns off.:/)

I also have a picture of me doing a chalk demonstration saying: VOTE NOW! NOVEMBER 2ND. ZAYD ALSARDARY that I did on Monday but I have it on my phone. Thanks.
