Element Print Project 2011

What are your thoughts on the project?
I think this project was very extensive. Only because this project was a combination of two classes. It was hard to try to think of ideas for your prints. It was harder to make the prints.
What would you do differently if you did this project again?
What is your element?
My element is called Technetium.
What are some things your element are used for?
My element isn't used for many things only because it is very toxic and radioactive, and it can kill people. Its hard for people to be around it because it can kill someone instantly. What are some things your element are used for?
How did you come up with the idea for your print?
I came up with the idea because it is very radioactive and it is too dangerous for people to be around. Everyone knows that when you see this radioactive signs then you stay away from it. What steps did you take from your idea for the print to the final print?
I made some other prints, but those prints didn't really make since toward the point of the element. So the most efficient one was the radioactive symbol. What are your thoughts on the project?
I think this project was very extensive. Only because this project was a combination of two classes. It was hard to try to think of ideas for your prints. It was harder to make the prints.
What would you do differently if you did this project again?
I think i would change my element. I would let us choose the elements
that we wanted to use.
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