End Of The Year Digital Portfolio - Macbeth Character Analysis

​The first book we read in our freshman year was Macbeth, that was the most difficult book for me to read. We had to analysis the change of either Lady Macbeth or Macbeth throughout the book. I decide to do Macbeth and this is was interpreted from the book. 

Macbeth Character Analysis

In the beginning, Macbeth was any normal person – polite, kind-hearted, and likeable - but by the end of the play, his heart was cold and his mind was evil. Macbeth never second-guessed anything and he was just looking at his position to stay king. Nobody could get in his way because he couldn’t be killed be a person birthed from a woman.

            In Act 1, Scene 3: Macbeth received a prophecy from the witches that he is going to be the Thane of Cawdor and then the King of Scotland. He stated: “If good, why do I yield to that suggestion. Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair? And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, against the use of nature?” Macbeth is basically wondering why he is thinking about murdering King Duncan, but the thought is so horrifying that it makes his hair stand on the back of his neck and his heart pound against his chest.

            In Act 1, Scene 6, and Duncan: Duncan has come over for dinner and is looking Macbeth, so he can praise him. Duncan says, “Conduct me to mine host. We love him highly and shall continue our graces towards him.” This is important because even other people can see how kind-hearted Macbeth can be. Duncan trusts him with everything and honors Macbeth.

            In Act 1, Scene 7, and Lady Macbeth: Lady Macbeth is trying to convince Macbeth to go with the witches’ prophecy. Macbeth wants to be king but he can’t take the risks needed – killing Duncan. Quote: “Like the poor cat i’ th’ adage?” In this quote, Lady Macbeth is calling Macbeth a sad poor cat that is too scared to do anything. This is important because even Macbeth’s wife is saying that Macbeth is too polite to kill Duncan. Also, that he isn’t brave at all.

            In Act 2 Scene 1, and Macbeth: Macbeth is convincing himself to Duncan. He is thinking about all the good things, so he is basically pumping up himself up. The beginning of the soliloquy Macbeth is nervous and doesn’t want to do it, but by the end, he is pumped and ready. Quote: “I go, and it is done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell. That summons thee to heaven or to hell.” This quote is important because this is where Macbeth starts to become evil. He finally decides after a little convincing from Lady Macbeth and himself that he will kill Duncan. From here, everything goes down hill.

            In Act 2 Scene 3, and Macbeth: Macduff and Banquo came to visit Macbeth’s castle, but they found out that Duncan is dead. They tell Macbeth and Lady Macbeth who play it off, as they had nothing to do with the killing. Quote: “Renown and graceful is dead. The wine of life is drawn, and mere lees is left this vault to brag of.” This quote is important because this shows how evil Macbeth can be. He is now hiding the fact that he killed Duncan to all his close friends and that had any idea of it. Macbeth is using words to praise Duncan, even though he killed him.

            Banquo comes over for the feast and tells Macbeth that he may be late for the dinner, Act 3 Scene 1. Macbeth is worried about what Banquo will do because he knows about the prophecy that the witches said. Macbeth is alone and says to himself: “Rather than so, come fate into the list. And champion me to th’ utterance.” When Macbeth states that he is planning on killing Banquo, he doesn’t even hesitate with his decision. Macbeth’s servant then brings in the murders and tells them what the plan will be. This quote is important because this is where Macbeth’s evil rises, he doesn’t even talk to Lady Macbeth about it. Macbeth doesn’t talk to anybody about it. He is determined to stay in his position of being king and nobody can stop him now, but there are people that want him to be stopped.

            Act 3 Scene 6: Macbeth’s feast has just ended and it is the next day, Lennox is talking to another Lord about Malcolm, Macduff, and Macbeth. Lennox is suspicious about Macbeth; he thinks that Macbeth killed Duncan and Banquo. Lennox clearly states “May soon return to this out suffering country under a hand accursed” which basically states he wants Malcolm to come back and take out Macbeth as king. Lennox thinks Macbeth is a tyrant and a liar, this is important because even other people don’t trust Macbeth. Lennox is having a conversation with another Lord which may mean that he wants to know if his theory are also, suspected.

            The witches has told Macbeth another prophecy but this time with apparitions - Act 4 Scene 1 – they tell him to fear Macduff, the woods, and Banquo’s children. Macbeth takes this prophecy into his own hands and says this “The castle of Macduff I will surprise, seize upon Fife, give to th’ edge o’ th’ sword his wife, his babies, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line.” Macbeth is ready, the witches just gave him advice and he is once again taking it upon himself to deal with it. Basically, Macbeth is planning on going to Macduff’s castle and killing everybody. This is very important because Macbeth is once again being cold-hearted and he doesn’t even hesitate with this plan. He knows that Macduff could stop him from becoming king, so he is killing everything that Macduff loves. Macbeth doesn’t know that other people aren’t to sure about him.

            Act 4 Scene 3, Macduff is in England to have a chat with Malcolm. In this chat, Malcolm basically complains to Macduff about his father – Duncan – being killed and that he was blamed for it and Macduff just listens. Malcolm tells Macduff that he suspects that Macbeth killed Duncan. This is what Malcolm says, “This tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tongues, was once thought honest; you have loved him well; he hath not touched you yet.” Malcolm is calling Macbeth the tyrant and that it hurts to say his name because he is traitor. Macbeth use to an honest man and people loved him especially Macduff, Malcolm says. But, now he is doing reckless things, but Macduff doesn’t know about it because Macbeth hasn’t hurt him yet

In Act 5 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth is sick from guilt and Macbeth is preparing for the war that is supposed to happen. Lady Macbeth has just screamed and after this Macbeth thinks about himself in the past and present self. Macbeth says, “ I have almost forgot the taste of fears. The time has been my senses would have cooled

To hear a night-shriek, and my fell have hair would at a dismal treatise rouse and stir, as life were isn’t. I have supped full with horrors. Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts, cannot once start me.” In this quote, Macbeth is talking about when he was scared of everything, when he was kinder, and didn’t have courage for anything. Now, Macbeth believes that he is prepared for any scary thing he has seen because he had many horrific things happen or done by him, that horrible things are familiar to him now.

            By the end of the play, all his followers were following him out of fear but everybody was scared to do something about it. Macduff successfully kills Macbeth and give throne to the rightful owner, Malcolm. Macbeth turned into the evil cold-hearted man from being a kind-hearted man who followed the power of suggestion. Macbeth turned into a person that he could never be and got killed for it. In the end, nobody should ever try to be what they know they can never be because there will be a downfall in the end. 
