Enemy of the State

First, I'd just like to ask a quick question. In this movie who exactly was the enemy of the state? Was it Dean (Will Smith) or the NSA (National Security Agency).

Of course this movie makes me think that the government definitely abuses it's ability to surveil citizens, but I honestly cannot believe America is that corrupt to have the power and audacity to do what they did in "The Enemy of the State" and refuse to go after the "bigger fish" that pose much more critical threats- for example, the dude that lost his mind and hit up that theater. Like, they will go through hell to get a tape they could have prevented from being created by simply have a better persuasion technique, but in reality they didn't realize some dude just bought tear gas and assault rifles, that's ridiculous. But, to look at the bigger picture, I still think it is kind of messed up for enough people to suspect the government is that f*cked up. Like, if they want to surveil me, go ahead. As long as they keep the terrorists out of the country, and we aren't doing anything illegal, then what do we really have to hide. I mean, I'd prefer they not surveil me, and I know a lot of you do too, but in all actuality, they do have bigger fish to fry then say, someone is seen smoking a blunt, or drinking under age. It just makes a lot more sense when you put it in perspective. "Should I go stakeout at a corner store and see how many teenagers I see doing something illegal, or actually help this country with my expertise in something more serious, like say, anti-terrorism. But, as far as how much access they should haveuse and when they can use it, it's kind of you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you give a kid a BB gun, and tell them they can only use it on pests like raccoons and stuff, chances are they'll probably shoot some other stuff too. That's what people do when they get power, so I think we should give the government full access or none at all. But, on a smaller scale, citizens should never be under surveillance if they don't know about it. So, in a nut-shell we kind of have to put our trust in something we may not trust a whole lot, but we kind of just hope for the best. We can only take their word that they are doing what they say. 
