English, Pro Choice
In my last two posts you have learned the issues at hand and how important it is for women to have their civil rights. They should be aloud to do what they want with their bodies. This includes having options of abortion, contraception, and health care services that will support these things. Now that you have read my last two-blog post, this is my post for change. It becomes difficult to change people’s decisions about abortion, but we can change someone’s view on rights for women. The problem is people don’t know about what is happening they don’t know the laws that are trying to be passed by the government. So the first thing to do is get the word out! Let people know the issue at hand, send emails, tweet about it and update your Facebook statuses.
Next, the main organization that is taking the hit with most of these laws being passed is Planned Parenthood. They are an organization that helps so many people and without them many young girls will be having teenage pregnancies, and many who are less fortunate will run out of options with contraception. So go on their website, and read their take action page. This is your opportunity, to sign petitions, find out about rally’s that issues that you want to get involved with, and even have the option to volunteer at Planned Parenthood. For these past two things that you can change they aren’t very difficult but it’s not always the big things you do but the small things that everyone do that make a difference.
At my school, Science Leadership Academy (SLA) the issue of abortion is a difficult issue to talk about. Because everyone comes from different backgrounds there are many different opinions on the topic. Only 63% of the SLA students I interviewed thought it should be legal. However 98% of the students supported the use of contraception. So in order to not force my opinions on people I have come up with a way to make the issue of abortion one that has to be less talked about. As teenagers these are the years where sex comes up more and more. However the topic of contraception is one that for many is a topic that they shy away from. But people need to know the facts and where they can get them. So in my school I am going to be putting pan flits from Planned Parenthood in the nurse’s office. 93% of the students said that it was okay with them to have these in the nurse’s office, and that it would be helpful for kids to learn about that.
In order to raise even more awareness I am also making a twitter page with information about the issues, events, and ways that everyday people can help. I want people to know what is happening this means getting congresswomen and men to follow me and other organizations to look into the issues. There is still so much more that can be done, but these are all steps in the right direction. So for my original content part 2, besides the video on my 2nd blog post I have created a twitter page. This way only people who care about the issue can go look at it and spread the word about the issue. Go check out my twitter and follow me @ProChoiceProPPL, to find out more information on the topic and the issue of women’s rights.
I would just like to thank everyone who helped me through this entire process. My mom Alison Sprague, my teacher Alexa Dunn, the entire Science Leadership community for their support, as well as Planned Parenthood who is going to provide the pan flits and who’s website is one I continuously looked to for facts. Most importantly thank you to all the readers because we can become the change and help women keep their rights.
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