English Journal 42
What prevented adults from acknowledging the simple truths of a twelve-year old boy? Can you think of other examples of groups of people failing to recognize reality?
Adults have been conditioned their entire live to believe a cetain set of truths. Evryday those children say the Pledge and then they learn. They drone out the Pledge until they are unconscious of the words and their meanings. Schools teach subjects separately and there are different units. They are not taught to look at the world as an interconnected place.
Adults have been conditioned their entire live to believe a cetain set of truths. Evryday those children say the Pledge and then they learn. They drone out the Pledge until they are unconscious of the words and their meanings. Schools teach subjects separately and there are different units. They are not taught to look at the world as an interconnected place.
“No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."-Assata Shakur
The adults feel that criticism of the country, especially a huge part of the American pie, represents a lack of patriotism. In most countries, like in Nazi Germany, a lack of gusto patriotism is/was treason. It may not be a law in the united States to not speak poorly about the country, but their is still an unspoken, unwritten one. - Indoctrination: teaching of the se of beliefs that are not questioned.
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