Environmental Info-Graphic- MPyfrom
1. Post a copy of your info graphic to SLATE. Link the words to an image that can be viewed by someone visiting the site, do not include a link that requires someone to download your image and please do not post a dropbox link.
2. In the SAME BLOG ENTRY complete a reflection -
a. What went well?
The overall layout for our info graphic came out great. We imagined one visual and our info graphic came out even better. It surpassed our brainstormed thoughts and really took its toll with being amazing. We collectively as group put equal work into this project. We each took separate areas of research than came together at the end an ultimately created this great info graphic. We put together all our ideas into one huge in graphic. This was truly collaboration at its best.
b. What did not?
Some technical issues did occur while creating this info graphic. On Keynote our project fitted the large pages file. Then when upload to slate it only takes a quarter of the page. That was annoying at times and did affect the info graphic's impact.
c. What would you do differently next time?
I think more facts written down would be helpful.
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -
Be Concise
Research is a important factor for creating an info graphic. The more research the better outcome. Your audience will take more away with more facts.
Be Visual
Visually stimulate you audience by your artwork.
Be Smarter
Have a clear understanding of what your doing and creating.
Be Transparent
Make your subject easy to understand Focus on making it easy and memorable for your audience.
Be Different
Be different is self explanatory. Don't have the same info graphic as the next group. Be Unique.
Be Accurate
Make sure all of your work is accurate and credible.
Be Attractive
Attract the eye of the reader. Make the reader want to read your info graphic.
Be Varied
Have a variety of different things going on in your info-graphic.
Be Gracious
Everyone is welcomed to read your work. The more readers the better.
Be Creative
Make your work standout.
Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?
I think as a group we excelled in all the areas except varied. Together we could have added different sorts information. We targeted the people decrease with mining increasing. Maybe compare and contrast other issues that occurred. I think that some elements were a bit harder to include in the end of the product because we didn't want to lose the reader's attention with too many words.
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