Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Group Members :
Martha Robles
Keanu Farrow
Naquan Harding
a. What went well?
Our initial approach to the project was good. We all seemed to have good ideas about how to carry out the project. It also seemed like the work would be evenly distributed among all of us.
b. What did not?
Once the research was started I felt like not much was put in from there from the other group members. I felt like the time I put in was too much compared to the other group members.
c. What would you do differently next time?
I think if I were to do this project again I would make sure we each had certain task to complete before a certain dead line. So that we would all make sure we put in the same amount of work.
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics.
Overall I think the info graphic looks good. However I do think it can have more visuals. I think that idea I had of creating a path resembling that of a ship then at the bottom the biggest fact representing the spill. I think that what also made it more appealing was the use of color and having the words spread out so it didn't look like it was all words. I also think the facts included made it stronger.
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