Fake Behind Snow Day

This long week has been great. I was surprised that we didn't have school yesterday all because we had like three inches of snow. Then again that is the Philadelphia school system.

I woke up yesterday extra early in the morning to get ready and to make it on time ( I had saturday school this week; I was not trying to be late) I was fully dressed and ready to go to school. While I'm heading out my little brother starts complaining about how there is snow on the ground and he didn't want to go to school. I start to argue with him until he finally makes e go on FaceBook to check if anyone else was going to school. (It's a shame really that I didn't just turn the news on.) None the less I pull out my laptop and at seven in the morning there is a never ending feed flow  from SLAers in particular; some happy and upset about there not being school. I was a it discouraged because I had put so much effort into getting ready that particular day; But i put on my PJ's and sat on my couch.
