Fanta Dukuly Capstone

I hosted an iftar event that would highlight Muslim communities in the SLA and Ben Franklin schools. This was also open to non-Muslim students and students outside of the schools. Hosting an Iftar event (I named it Hadath Iftar) during Ramadan fit best with all the Muslims participating in the holy month of Ramadan. I reserved the SLA cafeteria and gym while I also served food free of charge. I was hosting this event not only to allow others to enjoy some good food but also for the smaller parts of SLA’s diverse community to see each other eye to eye. The process of hosting this event strengthened my skills in collaboration. I have collaborated with teachers, students, and my principal to make this all happen. It’s what truly made the process of the project go smoother. I also strengthened my planning skills and became an active leader in my community. I have always been determined to lead my community and bring more diversity to the already diverse SLA community. My proudest takeaway from this project is the time and effort I put into the final product. I made sure this was my greatest project with all the help and resilience that was put into it.

Annotated Bibliography:
