Farmers are (:'() . Consumers are (:\) . And fish are (x<) .
Do you like the emoticon I used as the title? This faces are basically what describe how each farmer, consumer, and fish are doing in Japan.
If you have been following along in my previous blogs or keeping up on the latest new in Japan, you would know that they had a huge earthquake and tsunami. After, covering what happened on that tragic day, I hoped right into their imports before and after the earthquake and tsunami. Today, for my last blog, I am covering how consumers, farmers, and animals are being affected by the radiation after the reactors started to over heat and give off radiation. The two scariest types of radiation that were given off we iodine 131 and cesium 137. According to Japanese officials, iodine 131 has a half life of just over a week, therefore it isn't anything to worry about. But Cesium 137 is a different story because of its' half life of 30 years. Also, both forms of radiation forms are heavier than air, thus making their ability to disperse rapidly is limited.
Even with that reassurance to the Untied States, Japan is still affected. Let's start off with the farmers' farm land and their animals. Farmers that lived closer to the Nuclear Plant must now leave and abandon what they once called a farm haven. On CNN, a farmer was told to evacuate to safe grounds. He stated that he couldn't leave his 4th generation farm. But there is no profit coming from anything on his farm due to the radiation. He says that "the radiation sticks onto the grass, which is eaten by the cows, who produce milk and meat.". But this farmer isn't the only one who has to face this type of issue, many other farmers have to sell their cows and land and leave. Some don't even get to sell their land due to their close distance to the Nuclear Plant.
As for consumers, we are effected world-wide. I say world wide because Japan and China are the main food suppliers for the United States' cheap food. With the decrease of the U.S's imports from Japan, food prices will sky rocket to higher prices which will lead to complaints from Americans in sticky situations. But the real question is: "Will you still pay for slightly cheaper food with a dash of radiation?". A mother in Japan blogs about her view on product consumption in the U.S and Japan: "Shoppers will see more “produced" or "made in America” signage as supermarkets start to promote domestically produced replacement foods – like Gulf shrimp instead of shrimp from China, or U.S. farm raised tilapia. If supplies remain short, prices should remain higher longer, and the focus on the integrity of fish sourcing and other imports will only intensify."
As for now, all we can do is wait and see what will happen of the the once peaceful and yin-yang loving country. Be safe, be positive, and make the best of things.
Signing out for now,
Ellen To
If you have been following along in my previous blogs or keeping up on the latest new in Japan, you would know that they had a huge earthquake and tsunami. After, covering what happened on that tragic day, I hoped right into their imports before and after the earthquake and tsunami. Today, for my last blog, I am covering how consumers, farmers, and animals are being affected by the radiation after the reactors started to over heat and give off radiation. The two scariest types of radiation that were given off we iodine 131 and cesium 137. According to Japanese officials, iodine 131 has a half life of just over a week, therefore it isn't anything to worry about. But Cesium 137 is a different story because of its' half life of 30 years. Also, both forms of radiation forms are heavier than air, thus making their ability to disperse rapidly is limited.
Even with that reassurance to the Untied States, Japan is still affected. Let's start off with the farmers' farm land and their animals. Farmers that lived closer to the Nuclear Plant must now leave and abandon what they once called a farm haven. On CNN, a farmer was told to evacuate to safe grounds. He stated that he couldn't leave his 4th generation farm. But there is no profit coming from anything on his farm due to the radiation. He says that "the radiation sticks onto the grass, which is eaten by the cows, who produce milk and meat.". But this farmer isn't the only one who has to face this type of issue, many other farmers have to sell their cows and land and leave. Some don't even get to sell their land due to their close distance to the Nuclear Plant.
As for consumers, we are effected world-wide. I say world wide because Japan and China are the main food suppliers for the United States' cheap food. With the decrease of the U.S's imports from Japan, food prices will sky rocket to higher prices which will lead to complaints from Americans in sticky situations. But the real question is: "Will you still pay for slightly cheaper food with a dash of radiation?". A mother in Japan blogs about her view on product consumption in the U.S and Japan: "Shoppers will see more “produced" or "made in America” signage as supermarkets start to promote domestically produced replacement foods – like Gulf shrimp instead of shrimp from China, or U.S. farm raised tilapia. If supplies remain short, prices should remain higher longer, and the focus on the integrity of fish sourcing and other imports will only intensify."
As for now, all we can do is wait and see what will happen of the the once peaceful and yin-yang loving country. Be safe, be positive, and make the best of things.
Signing out for now,
Ellen To
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