When other people go through a great loss, its not the same impact on you as the other person if you weren’t close to that person. Losing people is probably a fear most people have. When you lose someone you make the realization that nothing is forever. You only have a limited amount of time with the people you care about. I think people more than anything try to stray away from that thought. Something that was new for me was how my great grandmother died. I hadn’t known her, and was never aware of how she died. Though I was aware of how some of my great uncles had died. We are a big family but as the years go one we lose members and we gain them. This is true for every family. We all hope that we are carried into old age with the people we love and cherish. Though it isn’t always that way, and it seems like it should be. I fear losing my mother though I try not to dwell on it. She’s an important aspect of my life, and I know that no matter what she’s there if I need her.
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