Feliciano, Adam Capstone
My vision for this project was to give middle grade students (specifically seventh grade) exposure into what to expect transitioning into high school. My motivation came from personal experience as a seventh grade student. I had to learn everything on my own without any additional support. Having a big brother/sister who’s assigned to me when I enter into high school would have benefitted me in terms of an easier and more comfortable transition into high school. As a middle schooler you are always told what high school is like. Your teachers, parents and counselor can all lecture you about it but if you never experience it, you will never know. This project enabled 23 students the opportunity to experience it first hand. I can only wish that other schools provide this and I was glad to offer it to a few students.
I learned how to plan, organize and structure a mentoring program that I hope could be the seed of something big in the future. This was a learning experience for me on so many different levels. I was a teacher, mentor, guide and administrator which culminated in a successful day for all.
Marla Wormley
I selected Marla to be one of my sources because since I’m creating a program where she works, I figured I would benefit a lot by having her as my mentor. As a counselor there, she has the responsibility to help all the students as much as possible. She’s an expert on understanding what the students want and how to make it successful. Not only this, she would also be very beneficial in terms of giving insight on how to control students of a younger age and ways to accommodate a large crowd’s attention.
(Mentor — Disc Jockey)
A member of The Philadelphia Youth Media Collaborative. PYMC strengthens, connects, and promotes organizations that engage youth in the creation, analysis, and distribution of media. This is a very important source for me because he supports youth in becoming creative media makers, critical thinkers, and engaged global citizens. Together, we can work to advance a healthy democracy that values youth perspectives and contributions.
Joshua Block
(Mentor — Teacher)
I selected Mr. Block as one of my resources because he has been very useful in terms of connecting with people who are involved in the field of communications. He is a very useful in terms of helping me expand on my ideas and also providing insight on how to make this project run more efficiently and successfully. One limitation from this source is that he’s inexperience in the musical component of this project. However, he has a strong relationship with many musicians and people in the communications field.
Douglas Herman
(Film Educator)
I never came across the thought of needing Mr. Herman for my capstone but in order to record all my DJ events and overall process of this capstone, I’m going to need a camera and computer software. I believe he’s reliable source in the technical part of my capstone because he has been helping me understand how to work a camera and computer softwares such as “Adobe Premier.” More so, he’s been teaching me the techniques in filmmaking and this would benefit me in producing a more engaging and cutting film for my audience I’ll be showing to in June.
Understanding Youth by Michael J Nakkula
(Book — Author)
I came across this book at my mother’s friends house. I immediately thought that this was a perfect source to include in the process of creating my capstone because my capstone consist of mentoring the youth and what better way to understand the youth by reading a book that offers techniques and advice on working with the youth. This book will benefit a lot because it prepares me ahead of time for what’s expected from the youth that I’ll be mentoring.
Doing For Dummies by John Steventon
(Book — Author)
I’ve been a fan of these “…for dummies” books and I figured there would be one for DJing. I chose to use this book as a resource because it provides methods and tips for being a DJ and how to DJ. Additionally, this book would provide ideas for me in terms of teaching others how to DJ. I know how to teach, but this book provides key components in helping someone DJ and it would benefit me because I could implement similar ideas into my capstone project overall.
Morgan, David. "5 Steps To Creating A Professional Website." Organic Themes Professional Minimal WordPress Themes. 25 Oct. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <http://organicthemes.com/5-steps-creating-professional-website/>.
At first I thought this website wasn’t reliable but in fact it is very reliable in terms of giving me insight on how to create a professional website. This website provides detailed explanations and tips for making your website look very professional and also the steps in creating it. This website will give me exposure to creating a domain, finding a host, choosing a CMS, designing the website appearance, & adding content.
"Enoch Pratt Free Library." How to Find Grants for Your Nonprofit Organization -. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. <http://www.prattlibrary.org/locations/ssh/?id=3130>.
Since I would be starting up a mini program at my old school, I would most likely have to use my personal equipment or find funds. I think this website would be a great resource because it offers many ways to fund for my program. Not only that, there’s a variety of methods on the website that give exposure on how to effectively get material provided without too much hassle. It also provides tips and samples on how to create proposals for grants.
GEHL, DEREK. "How to Attract Visitors to Your Site." Entrepreneur. Entrepreneur Media, Inc. Web. <http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/80220>
Since I also want to create a website to display all my work, I still needed to find a way to gain exposure for my website. On my website, I would have my film from gigs, school program, and overall, guide to DJing would be the main focus of this website. I found this website very reliable because it touches upon entrepreneurship on gaining revenue (which I don’t want) for my website. With this website, I would be able to learn the skills and techniques in gaining attraction for my site and actually building views.
(School Program at Palumbo)
SEAMAAC’s After School program entitled ‘Hip Hop Heritage’ offers a balance of creative arts workshops, homework assistance, college preparation, sports activities and group open discussion. They offer classes in all of the Hip Hop Arts ranging from emceeing to deejaying, breakdancing and graffiti writing, and students may earn a cash incentive for good attendance and the completion of arts projects. Their staff works with each of their students and families so that they may define success for themselves, and achieve that success in a spirit of creativity, cultural integrity, and independence. This resource is by far the PRIMARY resource for my capstone because it defines everything that I plan to do with my capstone and would benefit me tremendously.
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