Final Art Show

For the first project we were suppose to choose an area of the park that we liked. I chose the fountain behind the gates but found it very difficult since I couldn't get the best view. I liked this area because it was peaceful and elegant which is what I wanted to portray in my photo. I think that my work could have been cleaner but I wouldn't change the area I chose.
My next photo was inspired by a song that I really liked and my crush.  I also wanted to try something a little different and do block letters. It took me a while to get the letter the way I wanted by I wanted to add more so I wrote all of the lyrics to the song around a heart of the name title. I also included my crush's name in the picture.
My next picture is of a dress and a girl blowing a bubble. I really liked drawing a dress so I wanted to do it again but I wanted a face to go with the dress. I personally like the picture of the girl blowing a bubble because I think it was the best picture of a person I drew 
For my last photo I wanted to reflect over the pictures I drew over the year but I also wanted to try
drawing the letters again so I drew out Art in Art supplies and redrew the art I have created over the year
