Final blog 2 of 2

Here is the letter i wrote first to the organization and it sums up what i want to be doing and how i further want to help.  

Dear Pro life,     
    I am doing a project in school about how/ and who can reduce the # of abortions each year, all over. There are some people with in the state of PA that would like to see this happen as well and can spread that news to higher powered authorities in the state and all over. Abortion is something that i see as a major crime, and should be treated as a crime.
    I have been researching about the effects that it has on specific people, and why. also i have been really looking into who is for and against it so i can know who will  help and who will not. There are a couple of senators that are really into not having the government support anything that has to do with abortion and taking a life. Even the President of the United States is for not having the govt. pay for any kind of abortion related activity within the US, and that can be a major changing factor for winning this battle sometime in the future. There is a lot to be thinking about in that there are a lot of factors that only one can seem capable of completing. There are things that I as a young adult can only complete in this challenge.     I need to know what i can be doing, and even if i can be doing anything to further help the organization of pro-life, to thence and further produce a positive effect on the people who are trying.

-Graham Davis
