Final Blog Post!

​In my previous blog posts, I presented a plan for how I was going to attempt to save the Divine Lorraine and this is my last update. Since I last wrote, I got into contact with several organizations, half of whom had an interest in the salvation and restoration of the Divine Lorraine. However, they have found that the "private property" aspect has proven troublesome in terms of seeing substantial changes, for if the owners do not care not much can be done. Even so they recommended I continue my quest and try sending a letter to said owners in the hopes of convincing them to do something with the glorious structure. A recommendation I think has some merit.

In terms of a next step I believe the letter mentioned above ought to be written and a few more as well. If I am able to get in contact with the legislators discussed in previous posts and discuss viable options for the building's future. I know this was an idea posited in the past but I now know what needs to be discussed in these letters to legislators. I can ask specific questions and gain a better understanding of more Lorraine-relevant information. In terms of the letter to the owners, I may be able to propose a few new ideas with information gathered from the legislators. Surely if they knew of the benefit this building might bring to the community, the illustrious history of this glorious piece of architecture, and the tax breaks that might be given, they would be all the more willing to invest in the  Divine Lorraine. However, this is all conjecture. I do not know of the owner's awareness of the existing possibilities for the building but I shall write them a letter nonetheless.

