Final Lobbying assignment: keeping the drinking age the same

"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future” ~ George Orwell


For the final step of my blog post I decided to trace my steps for this project to revisit and redesign my first blog post.   I realized that the reason the congressman I was trying to reach wouldn’t respond was most likely because I didn’t present my information in a fashion that was both interesting and compelling, so I have decided to “start again” and reconfigure this so I can make progress in a different way.


            My idea is to convince the Politian’s to keep the minimal drinking age 21 and not raise it as they had previously planned to.  Although it may seem like a mute cause, its something I feel is worth fighting for, and will once again establish my opinion on the matter.

            Previously, I had tried to get in touch with congress through emails.  It was less than successful.  I have decided that this time around I will take a more direct approach by gaining the attention of my peers in a similar age group and getting them to commit to the cause themselves.  Alone, one can accomplish something but together we can accomplish many more things.  
