Final Perspective Drawing
I have learned how to use orthogonal lines to connect everything I draw to my vanishing point. I have learned how to use math to center objects in a room while drawing. These techniques have made my drawings better by making the objects look realistic and 3-D. If I could do this project over again, I would try to erase a lot less, it made my paper look dark and unclear. I would also take more time on things to make sure they are perfect so I don't have to go back and fix it. My advice to anyone who has not drawn a one point perspective drawing before is to take your time, its worth it! Also, start with the end in mind; if you start the drawing without knowing what you want it to look like in the end, it'll be hard for you to space everything out evenly. The resource that helped me the most was the slidshow Ms. Hull made for us to look at while drawing the room. It helped me because I could see how someone else was going about the same drawing I was.
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