Final Perspective Drawing
I had no idea how to draw in one point perspective when I came to SLA. This project me taught how to draw things in one point perspective. I also now see things around the city, and think, “I could draw that from one point perspective.” I have have thought this befor, and this project has given me more confidence when it comes to drawing. This made my drawings better, because I never really drew other than scribbles in my notebooks. Now that I have completed a drawing, I want to do more. If I could do this assignment again, I would make sure I had more time to add detail and color. I used my time in class well, but I am not the fastest worker. I take my time to make things as best I can. Next time I would push myself to work faster while still doing the best work I can. My advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective work of art is that they make sure to be very precise, because if you only have one measurement, or line that does not look right, then your whole drawing looks off. In all honesty the most helpful resources I used was my ruler. When I first started the drawing, It was hard for me to envision where I would make my lines, or make measurements, because I did not have a very well developed artist's eye. The ruler helped me make my lines straight, and have precise measurements. After a while, My artist’s eye started to develop, and I know that the ruler I used played a part in that.
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