Final Perspective Drawing

In my 9th grade art class we drew one point perspective drawings of a wall in our classroom. One thing I learned that I did not know before was that one point perspective drawings are only made up of three types of lines: vertical, horizontal, and orthogonal. A vertical line is one that goes straight up and down, a horizontal line goes directly side to side, and an orthogonal line goes through the vanishing point. The vanishing point of a drawing is the one spot where all of the orthogonal lines come together and essentially disappear. Hence the name vanishing point. Learning this definitely made my drawings better because without it, my paper would look unrealistic and disproportionate.
If I did this assignment again I would manage my time better than I did before. I thought I had all the time in the world to finish my drawing but then I found out I had nerve damage in my hand. The brace I am wearing makes it difficult to write and hold a pencil so I was scrambling to get it done. My advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before is to, as my art teacher says it, "Use your artist's eye." This basically means to look at your picture and see if everything looks real and proportionate. You need to just guess where some lines go and look good, and if you don't use your artist's eye your picture won't look good at all.
The resource that helped me the most was definitely the slide deck we were told to look at. It gave a clear and concise tutorial of how to draw a one point perspective. Another resource that helped me was my friends. It was great to have different opinions of my work and to hear and see what I was doing right and wrong. Both of these resources really helped me to finish my drawing and make it look realistic.
