Final Portfolio: Humanities

  Throughout this year 10-11 in my humanities classes I have learned a lot. My eyes were opened in many different ways. The things we did this year have helped me realize what is going around in the world around me. I realized that people aren’t fortunate enough to have what America has. They have to fight and protest to get what they want. In my History we watched videos of people protesting against their governments because of the oppression. We did a monologue project in our History class about world struggles. Mine was based on the Tiananmen Square protest in China. Another thing we did was a mock trial based on multinational corporations and the people that are involved and affected by them.  

One thing that really stood out to me was the language unit in my English class. Language is a very important in the society. You might not realize it at first, but when you think about it you code switch. Your language changes depending on the environment your in. For example you might you use “slang” when you’re with your friends but you speak “properly” when you’re with your parents. We watched a video about the different ways people talk around the United States. That video makes you think about what exactly is “proper english.” 

If you have and abundance of people talking differently, then who are you to say that the way they’re speaking is improper. Another thing that really stood out to me this year was religion. People are very diverse and religion plays a big part in that. This year we had to research religions and compare them. While I was researching I realized that a lot of religions have the same beliefs. If that’s the case then why are people battling over which religion is “right.” We also came to school dressed as someone else an talked about our religions. The person I studied was the Dalai Llama  Another thing this year that opened my eyes was poetry. I was used to poetry that rhymed in an A/B format. The project that we did on poetry opened my eyes to new styles. It made me think and express myself in new ways. It was a new experience to me but I enjoyed it. 

