Final Portfolio
We studied this from the start of the course. In my fifth journal we discuss part of an essay written by Julius Nyerere about development in third world countries. I responded: “Nyerere is saying that if we want to be educated or developed, we must do it ourselves.” and then “We must put our heart into what we want for ourselves, then take action. We cannot rely on others to do it for us.” Nyerere said how many nations relied on more developed nations to help them, and it never worked. His conclusion was the same as mine: take the initiative and don’t wait for others.
Later on in the year, in a unit focused on revolutions, this concept came up again. Early in the unit, we defined revolutions. My definition was, in Journal 32, “A revolution is when a large group of people collaboratively reject the authority over them (i.e. the government) and seek change.” Then, when discussing about why revolutions do not happen more often, I realized: “Revolutions do not happen more often because people are too lazy. They want things to happen but do not want to do anything to achieve it. They will say, "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I'm not the best person to do this.”” We as people are lazy, we want someone else to do the work. I realized that to start a revolution is an accomplishment. It shows that you took what you wanted into your own hands and fixed it. But then I inquired about how exactly one does that. In my final project for the unit, a guidebook about revolutions, I stated: “It only takes one group, even one person, to start change….people must take things into their own hands. You cannot wait for others.” I realized this after looking at several revolutions worldwide, modern and in past centuries. They all had one thing in common: they were started by one person or group. Not on revolution began by people spontaneously deciding to revolt, one person always began it. It was a spark: a spark that began change.
This is an important lesson to learn. We as teenagers in this era are especially lazy. We have been given everything and expect everything to be given to us. This course taught me that it is not anyone else’s job to do what I want. If I want to change something, if I think that something could be better, I much change it myself.
My word art (the blog post wouldn't let me upload it. Imgur is blocked at school, but I couldn't think of any other way. Sorry)
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