#5 - Finalize and Extend
I just sent a letter to my district representative, Larry Farnese,
requesting to meet with him to discuss education policy. I don't think
I'm in any position to lobby for my cause just yet, but I hope to learn
a lot about city politics and what it's like to be a representative. I
plan on asking him what he thinks of Ackerman's Imagine 2014
plan. I also plan on finding out what he does as part of the state
senate education committee. How does he influence political decision
making? How does he serve my district? I'm also interested in his
opinions about education - how does he feel about magnet and charter
schools? And, with regard to my lobbying cause, what does he think of
the SDP curriculum? I'm hoping he will also be able to direct me to
other authorities involved with education who might be willing to speak
with me.
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