Food Matters: Mingxue Zheng

Why does food matter?

   Food matter to the daily lives of our people because people need to consume food everyday to have the necessary energy to make the whole world function into a great society. If the food is not fresh or contains materials that are bad for people’s health then the continuous days of eating fast food would cost the government a lot of money to put under victims who suffer food disorders. Also, children who is in their learning stage of life (3 years old or older) are influenced by their parents who might have bad eating habits that might pass on this trait to the later generations. When these bad habits are passed down to generations and generations, the care for the type of food they’re eating will turned into satisfying the taste of the food without looking at the healthy contents that the food they’re eating contains. If we do care about our life span we need to first look at the freshness and healthiness of the food. The lack of our knowledge in food make the health rate and the death rate of the whole world would increase.   
