Gabby Nigro Marking Period 1

​I found it pretty interesting that we had to make a project out of recycled materials. When my art teacher was explaining this project I was not certain on what I was going to do. So I started to do research and I figured out I wanted to do something I could use or someone else could. So I decided to make a purse.
My progress on the purse was actually good. From doing this project I learned how to sew. When I started this project I did not know how to sew and as I was finishing up the project I seemed like I was a pro. This project is not fully finished because it is missing one thing. The one thing that it is missing is a handle. I left out the handle because I actually decided that I wanted to make it a clutch bag, which means I would either have to make a zipper out of materials that were recycled or buy one; which that we were avoiding. 

Down here are a few pictures of the finished product (: Photo on 2010-11-07 at 22.23 #3Photo on 2010-11-07 at 22.23 #2Photo on 2010-11-07 at 22.23
