Gabrielle Kreidie Capstone

Capstones are a yearlong project created, produced, and activated by seniors at SLA. The Capstone project is meant to incorporate all the findings from four years of project-based learning, into a final design meant to broadcast the things they are most interested in. It is a yearlong dedication where the individual must be their own student, teacher, and principal to insure the final product is strong and helps the community in some way.

For my project, I created a training for Turning Points for Children, one of Philadelphia's leading organization helping foster kids and their families. With having deep connections to employees at the nonprofit, I decided to investigate a project that I could commit to throughout the year that could end up helping the organization and the people they serve. With talking to their management, I found that a problem they were having, especially with newer social workers, was their issues in the courtroom both by how to act in court and how to interact with other overworked lawyers from all sides of the case. 

I got the task of creating a training for these social workers, meant to be in groups of 15-20 together for half a day the social workers go through a case and roleplay all different roles involved in their usual court cases. The hope is that this training can be broadcasted throughout the organization for the next year and to continue to be presented to other social work agencies in Philadelphia. 

