Game Destination

Objective: Player will have to be able to strategize their game destination in three minutes using their given cards, the game board, and the game key. Rules & Directions: 1. Four players. Pass out ten cards to each player. Leave the rest of the cards in the deck. 2. Each player rolls the dice. After every player has rolled the dice, the lowest rolled number is placed at District 2 Second to lowest rolled number is placed at District 2. Second to highest rolled number is placed at District 3. Highest rolled number is placed at District 4. 3. In three minutes, each player has to plan out a path to get to one of the three destinations with the ten cards that they were given. 4. Once the three minutes are up, the game begins. The player from District 1 starts the game, then the player from District 2, then the player from District 3, and then the player from District 4. 5. Each player makes a move towards their planned destination reaching the first obstacle on their path. This obstacle, along with all others, must be done successfully. Failure to complete an obstacle will result in a death strike and each player is given three death strikes for each game played. 6. Keep playing with each player taking turns doing what their card says. The goal of the game to win is to reach a destination and there can only be one player at each destination. One player has to lose because there are only three destinations. 7. Follow the key paper included in the game. This key tells you what each obstacle is and how the ten cards you have can help you get to your destination. Novel Connections: This game correlates to the novel The Road in many ways. Our plot for the game is all mysterious and based off of fate and luck. Just as it is in the novel, the boy and the man never knew what they are going to encounter and how long they were going to survive. What they get from the road is what keeps them going. The game is played based off of strategy and luck. It is the players’ job to strategize a path to take to get to their intended destination. Just like the novel, the man and the boy had to strategize how they ate their food and tried to salvage their supplies, like the pistol, in order to keep going on the road to their destination which was the South. On the game board when the players strategize their path, they have a clue of what they can encounter as does our game key says, but they do not know when they will encounter these things as they play. In the novel, the boy and the man are consistently facing obstacle after obstacle and at certain points, they reach moments of where they think they would actually die but doesn’t. For example, one moment from the novel when the man thought they were going to die was when they have been starving for days. Having no luck in finding food until all the sudden they come across a bunker full of food and supplies. In the game, the players will accidentally “die” either by drawing a death card or not being able to complete an obstacle with the cards that they have (having three lives per game) and that is based on the novel scenes of where the man thinks they are going to die. Overall, the choices we have made for our game is almost completely based off of the scenarios in the novel with the fact of how mysterious it is.

