Giavanna Jackson Capstone

Quick to Save is an app that I designed and developed to teach people in the moment how to perform CPR and rescue breaths. The app provides clear step by step instructions through videos and pictures. A feature unique to this app is its ability to track the user’s location and display it on the screen both by coordinates and an exact address. If a user is unaware of their location then this feature would help them relay this information to emergency services.

Most of my time was spent thoroughly researching CPR and how to make simple projects in Swift. In addition to my CPR research, I talked to two CPR certified people as well as a CPR instructor to make sure I had the most accurate and up to date information. From there my partner and I created six videos: three that were for each age group with water ingestion and three for regular CPR. Since both my partner and I were learning new coding languages we often leaned on each other for help a lot. In the end, I am proud of what I made but the process was not easy. It seemed that every step forward I took two steps backward. I quickly realized that taking breaks and having a positive outlook was going to allow me to have better progress. I also realized that getting stuck is progress too, it means that I’m learning how to do it as I go and that code may be more complex than the tutorials.

Capstone Annotated Bibliography ~ Gia-2
