Google Slide
Hello, my name is Anthony Castro-Gomez and this is the google slide I have created based off of my research and the critique from my colleagues. My initial design consisted of a hoop and a basketball in the center of the image to set the tone of the slide. I also added in 3 words to explain the slide quickly so that the viewer can glance at it, look away, and be able to gather all of the information they needed. Finally, I made sure I added in a black background and made the words orange so that it pops out to the audience. I kept the original font and had a reflection of each of the words.
After presenting, my classmates suggested that I take out the reflection because it is distracting to the eye. They also recommended that I make sure that all of the words are placed reasonable distances from each other so it looks on point. Someway I decided to implement that was by using the words to follow the basketball as if it was an afterimage to make a more creative way to catch the viewer's attention. I changed the color of the words to match the basketball a little more because my classmates did mention how they liked how the words corresponded with the background and the basketball, so I kept a black background and made the font color dark orange to match the basketball. I was also told to change the font to something more fitting so I used the Lobster font since it looks smooth and pleasing to the eye, and in a sense more formal because it looks like cursive.
The research helped me create a better slide because it teaches me how to grab people’s attention. With the image “bleeding” off the edge of the slide, it seems more like an ad, which grabs attention. I learned that the contrast between colors is important as well, a light color in front of a dark background is usually what people like. I used a dark color against a dark background so that it creates a more relaxed tone to the slide. Some sources I used to make this slide were (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (the video you provided us with),, and Elements of Design Defined (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. To conclude, this was the final version of my google slide.
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